Letting go of Insecurity

Sharing photos of ourselves online is so common place it’s probably a little odd that I have avoided it for so long, especially since I’m trying to let the world see my art. Up till now I have been very hesitant to share any photos of myself. Though it doesn’t make much sense to try and separate the image of myself from my artwork because they really are irrevocably connected. Obviously I can’t separate myself from my art. They are all reflections of the inner-being, thoughts, emotions and beliefs. It is easier to share my artwork though because I feel like when people see the art they see themselves, not me. And this made it much easier to share intimate things and not feel exposed. A simple photo of myself however always seemed a little scary.

I finally decided to take the leap of posting photos of myself online. I know it sounds like a small thing, but to me it always felt like a loss of privacy. I have always been a very private person, introverted and reclusive. And still am. Even though it feels vulnerable to me I’ve decided to let go and that not let it bother me. I realize that self-consciousness is a form of self-centeredness and that is something I do not want to be. So learning to develop a certain attitude of not caring what people think, at least about oneself, is empowering and could help us become better people.

I have always considered myself to have this attitude when it comes to personal values and believes. It never really mattered much what people thought of me. Maybe the reason photos have been a problem is because they are literal and cannot be controlled in the same way a painting or sculpture can. Whatever the case I have decided to let go and to a certain extent not care. So I am taking this small step toward my goals of sharing my experience and being more open.

Originally posted 2018-08-16 14:10:33.